Exam preparation
Confirm your knowledge! If you are considering the challenge of an English certificate, we can help you prepare.
With our effective and motivating method, Wall Street English guarantees your success!
For more information about certificates, the next start dates of our group courses or the next exam dates, please visit the following links:
Cambridge and Cambridge Pro
- First Certificate in English (B2) (FCE)
- Certificate in Advanced English (C1) (CAE)
- Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2) (CPE)
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (Internet-Based Test) (TOEFL® Test iBT)
Language Diploma Preparation Courses (FCE, CAE, TOEFL, IELTS)
Your certificate preparation includes:
- A free test to assess your level
- Private lessons (or in small groups, depending on your preference)
Group preparation course
During our 12-week preparation program, a qualified teacher will prepare you to take the test in a guaranteed and motivating method. Join us in one of our preparation programs that start throughout the year.
- Classes are taught by a certified and dedicated graduate teacher.
- Teaching materials are provided exclusively by the school.
- Weekly sessions of 2 hours in classrooms (4 to 10 students).
- Full program with production and written and oral comprehension.
Private preparatory courses
If you are unable to attend group classes or want to customize your learning schedule, our private lessons are the most effective any time of the year solution.
*Course with a dedicated and qualified postgraduate teacher.
- Free practice test to determine your strengths and weaknesses to determine how many hours of study will be required.
- Courses are created "à la carte": regardless of the date of the exam, the proposed program of study will include the number of courses necessary to ensure your success.
- 45 min lessons, scheduled according to your availability.
- Immerse yourself in English and participate in our social activities and workshops at no additional cost!